Kirk Elder

Chief Technology Officer

Kirk Elder career has been focused on healthcare product strategy, development, and delivery for ~25 years.   The past few years Kirk has been working with several startups as an investor, advisor and fractional executive for a variety of healthtech and fintech startups.  This is partly because he enjoys working in the fast paced startup world, he loves variety, and he enjoys seeing the broader trends, but also because he and his family wanted the flexibility to achieve a lifelong goal of traveling the country last year in a (too) small RV.  On this trip, they camped in 65 locations over 190 days and visited almost 30 national parks.  Exhausted, Kirk and his family arrived back home in  Brevard NC (The Land of Waterfalls) this past christmas and Kirk is loving getting back to work helping grow early stage companies.

Prior to these most recent adventures, Kirk was a Global Innovation Leader for Population Health Management, for Philips Healthcare.  Here, Kirk championed and delivered the first ever API ecosystem for population health and digital health, helping unite dozens of companies into fulfilling the dream of both data and workflow interoperability for longitudinal care management.  Prior to that Kirk was the CTO of Wellcentive, a leading population health analytics software company, for 6 years.  

Kirk has a B.S. in Physics with a certificate in Mathematics from Georgia Institute of Technology. During his education he worked in experimental non-linear dynamics, chaos theory, and quantum mechanics.  Kirk is an avid Mountain Biker, Hiker, RV’er, and lives with his family Terri, Everett and Whiskey (the dog).  Finally, Kirk also has 2 older kids Elliott (24, living in Boulder), and Addie (22, living in Atlanta), who are a professional musician and budding young photographer.  Kirk is hoping that Everett becomes an Engineer or Scientist to bring a balance to the force.  🙂